
Thursday, July 15, 2010

A memoir to a departed friend

11th July 2010 and many innocent lives were taken by what is believed to be suicide bombers. Amongst them was someone i called a true friend.

Keziron Muwanga William. We met way back in 1997/8 and became instant friends. Just like your name Keziron, you were unique. Never met anyone else with that name, same way ill never get a friend like you.

So long my boy. I vividly remember our last meeting on Friday 9th July 2010. On that evening i decided to stay with family and not with the boys as is the routine. That's the night i run into you. I was happy and suprised to see you that night. I inquired where you'd been as i hadn't seen you in a while. You told me you had just returned from RSA for the world cup semi-finals. You even left your friends for a while and joined us. I remember you talking to my old man and assuring him that all we were left to do in this world was take good care of ourselves as life was too good to loose. (I told him of your passing and he was so hurt).
We didnt stay long but we agreed to meet the following day at Just Kicking and do what we do best, party. Too bad i didnt make it.

Fast forward to Monday 12th July and i receive a call about your disappearance and like most of us would do i brushed it off. I knew you was somewhere working hard as you always did. Work hard, party hard was our unwritten motto.
I tried all your phones but all were off. You were later discovered in the mortuary and the sad news broken to me. I cried........., lived in denial for sometime untill i saw you "sleeping" in that coffin. My man, that "tux", eeh! Was it the one for the wedding? And only 2 cuts on your face, you seemed so fine. I was with you 'till your final resting place. Why am i even explaining myself out, coz i know you were watching down on us.

You really left so soon my boy. So much projects left incomplete. Your one month old child who'll have no sweet memories of his daddy. He'll only hear stories of how a noble man his dad was. The Master's degree you were about to complete. How about all those Min Of Health projects you'd started but never got chance to complete. Your wedding day slatted for December 2010. All i can do is imagine what a glorious day it would have been. Your dad not to mention mom were hit so hard. We all had such huge hopes in you.

12 years have been a very long time. You was like a brother to me. We went through life's stages together. We were so naughty, young and so free.
Some of the moments ill never forget;

-Our first drink at Canada. Remember we even had an anthem.
-How we'd escape and go to watch movies from those local cinemas.
-The not so good looking chics you made passes at and i'd diss you.
-Playing tennis at YMCA.
-Watching basketball at YMCA and Lugogo courts.
-When asked to handout English textbooks, our policy of "boys first" skipping the girls making the teacher so cross and chase us out of the lecture to our delight.
-How we made friends with the ladies in the home economics class so we'd feast on their nice food from the practicals.
-The transday discos at Hotel International Muyenga, Sparks and Roof Top.
-My man, never met a man as cunning as you. Dude, the way you'd hide those summaries; i haha-d. But you saved me those F9s in accounts class.
-The very many names we had for you. Musomesa aka Mpambara from one of our teachers. Was that why you offered Education for a first degree. We all laughed at it as you could never make a teacher.
-How we assured people at school that we had simply enrolled to make friends and people to employ in the future.
-Rememeber when we disbanded our class soccer team coz they were loosing. We named a new tame consisting of only our friends and whoever thought could kick a ball. Luckily we drew one match and won one. We've always been good managers; right?lol
-The way we read hard towards our O'level final examinations. Dude where did you get all those notes from.
-Many a time you bailed me out when i spent my break and lunch money on some ka-chic. haha.
-At school lunches, you always had a way of making it to the front of the line and you'd allow me step in infront of you.
-How we joined the interact club just so we could take trips to other schools. How we mimed a DMX song the 3 of us. But i beat you guys to it seeing that the chics only "screemed" at my part. haha
-Do you rememebr the day some guys mock-married off a ka-girl you liked and we were barred from attending. Dude i missed out on those free eats just cause i was your tight. Bouncers were put in place to keep us at bay.
-That time in school when 2 very old chaps got into a fist fight and you looked for me everywhere on campus so i could witness this tyson-holyfield bout.

And later in our adult life;

-That afternoon at Me! when you introduced your lady and told me you was walking her down the isle.
-The partying at Just Kicking and Rugby club. Too bad you met your death there.
-Those nights with Aggrey when you tried to call me out of bed and i'd refuse. You called me all kinds of names but it was okay as i knew it was friendly fire.
-The stupid prank you and Afande Mbareba pulled on me. BTW i'll never forgive you guys.
-You always updated me on all those people i hadn't seen in a long time.
-You never introduced me to any of those UCU ladies and yet you were supposed to be our ambassador there.
-You always gave me personal and biz advise and most of it was on point. I should have bought one of those Min. of Health cars at a laughable price.

And what i believe was your greatest quality in life, PATIENCE. You took your time in whatever you did. You never did anything in a rush nor rushed people into doing things. More to that, i never ever saw you get cross with anyone. You always had a smile in place. I wish there was a way you would have passed on that quality before you departed this crazy world of ours.

R.I.P my good friend and please grab a place for me. Am so glad to have met someone like you in my life; 12years aint small.

To the Al'shabab rebels, you got it right. You hit where it hurt most.

And to the other innocent lives taken, we mourn till we join you.
Angela Namara, only golden memories.